about churrer.xyz

churrer.xyz is my portfolio website. I'm something like a full stack engineer, but I'm also a 'kubernaut'. Meaning I like the DevOps and automation side of things as well.

everything is powered by a managed kubernetes cluster on digital ocean. which is also being monitored by prometheus and grafana.

I also got CI/CD going, with github actions I'm building the needed docker images and pushing them to my container registry. With Argo CD I'm deploying the containers to the cluster.

the frontend of this website is built with nuxt, tailwindcss and daisyui. the backend is made with Go...it's like the best thing I stumbled upon.

I'm also a big fan of the open source community. Which is also why I decided to open-source the code for this site. so you don't have to take my word for what i used as technologies : )

churrer.xyz diagram that shows the different components of the websitevery nice diagram of this website